Tuesday, October 30
> Last Saturday 30/10

Its almost 4.30am but i refused to go to bed until i finish my tele which starts in another 30mins time. Because of daylight savings, my working hour is pushed one hour later and i wont be home in time for it at 2am! So imma gonna stay up till 5am everyday to watch tv.
I think im quite crazy. but nvm..
Last Sat, i met Leonard for the first time after he enlisted. He still look quite cute without hair lah. HAHA but he refused to take a picture with me cos he doesnt wanna be seen botak.
I only managed to take his back view while he was shunning away from my red cybershot.

Guess where we went first?
Thai Disco!!
He was going to meet his campmates and i didnt wanna be at home so i tugged along.
Guess who his campmates were?
Jitson!!! I havent seen him for almost a year!

And Jason, one of the katong gang. What a small world! Everyone knows everyone. well, almost.
Thai Disco was not as bad as i thought it would be. Its quite..decent. I thought it would be quite
you-know, but it turned out otherwise. Stayed for a while, hear the thai girls sing some songs, dance some dance and Leonard and i left to town to meet the rest of the guys for movie - Resident Evil: Extinction.
I didnt watch part 1 and 2 so i didnt really know whats going on. Its not that hard to figure out anyway. Kinda love the movie, might wanna rent the dvds soon. Provided that i have time lah.
We went for supper after the movie at 4am in the morning and i ate so much! These days, i dont even feel hungry but i just cant stop gorging myself with food. Its so terrible! I feel so fat but i cant stop! Whats going on?!?!
Anyway, i camerawhored.

sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:26:00 am
Saturday, October 27
> *Warning - Image heavy!
Some pictures taken when Celine came over to my place one Sunday afternoon for a good tanning + catching up session.
So happy we met, because ive sorta drifted from this "sentosa gang" ever since graduation. Felt quite upset initially but work sorta drained me so much that i dont really think much about it now.
Just hope to maintain the friendship i used to have with em, especially wth Denise.
oh well, just some pictures.

Next up, Pet Movers on a Saturday morning!
It was really damn fun over there. We see our dogs mingling around, running here and there, chasing each other, swimming and all. It was so funny, especially when i can never imagine Ebony having fun with the other dogs around.

Thanks Joycelyn for lending me the cage if not i cant eat properly because Ebony's fur fly around like nobody's business! and she cant sit down properly alone, die also must sit on my lap.

Meet Boxer, Yihao's jack russell. The last time i saw Boxer, he was a tiny cute lil puppy. Now, even more hyperactive and huge!

This is Baby, Joycelyn's pup. Only 1 year younger than Ebony but Ebony is like twice the size of her! Baby's very shy, loves clinging on to Joycelyn like that. So cute!
Pet Movers' a nice place where the dogs can just run around freely. The place is fenced up so you dont have to worry that your dog will get lost. Most importantly, its free!!

Where our dogs meet other dogs..the love to smell each other's butt!

Swimming time! Dogs are naturally born swimmers but Ebony hates water so she doesnt really like to swim. But its damn funny when you see their expression when they were in the water trying to swim to the shore.

I wanna bring our dogs there again! My Ebony must exercise more. She's tooooooooo fat!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:32:00 pm
Thursday, October 25
> self control

I am eating so much these days that i can barely feel my waist. All i felt when i tried to find out where my waist is was just a lump of fats and a big belly.
Sigh. I feel like a grumpy
old fat woman.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:59:00 am
Sunday, October 21
> Mervin's 21st birthday bash
Met Ling for shopping in town before meeting up the rest at Sakura for dinner.

We ate so much at Sakura that i had problems walking properly after that. They all called me pregnant woman because i was wearing a babydoll top. We met even more people after dinner at U-pub for drinks.

Jasmine so camera shy!!

Crazy even before getting high

Almost there already!

Birthday boy Mervin and I

Happy birthday !!

Wilson lagi mad, never drink also crazy!

Dont know if Ling's showing off his fats or new tattoo. HAHA

Look at this guy!!
And this is a super classic picture of Wilson!! Shi lian pai!

Ling was drunk that day and Mervin was damn high. We had a mad idea to go sing ktv at 1am! So Mervin, Wilson, Delong and I head down to Partyworld and sang till morning. So crazyyyy but damn fun! We were singing crazy dance songs and dancing in the room. It was sooooo mad. But i like it!

So emooooo....

So happy!

Next up.. my love's 20th birthday!
It wasnt exactly a very last minute thing but i was so busy at work i really didnt have much time to plan an eventful day for my sweetie.
Shalyn doesnt like to go out on Sundays, neither do i. So, i decided to make it a homely celebration. My home though. Cos.... Amber's gonna whip up a meal for somebody so important!
It was quite like hell getting the ingredients. All thanks to HengKai and Wenfu that this meal came out quite successful! HAHA.
I've never really cooked a proper meal for anyone. The last time i made breakfast for the mahjong kakis, they had diarrhea. But im quite sure it wasnt my fault, though they kept blaming me. Because i ate the same thing and nothing happened to me!!

Steak for the beef lovers.

Mushroom soup with heavy mushrooms for the mushroom lovers.

Bacon with golden mushroom wrap for the bacon and golden mushroom lovers.

Red wine to go along.

Ta-dah! Mission accomplished. We finished everything and Shalyn said it was...good! HAHAHHA
I finally managed to update about the past events. These took place at least a month ago. Next up will be the more recent ones, like tanning with Celine dear last Sunday and the dogs' outing at Pet Movers yesterday.
And before i go, there's one thing i need to warn everyone about. The movie "Lars and the real girl" is the most ridiculous movie i watched this year. Its worst than "Shoot em up" which i watched with Clement a few weeks ago.
I wanna watched "Brothers", got my favourite hottie Andy Lau! He's old, but still so charming. OMG!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:16:00 pm